6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Ages 6 weeks to 12 years
35 E. Stanton Ave.
Columbus, Ohio 43214
Family Involvement
Play & Learn encourages all parents/guardians to actively participate in their child’s education and in the fellowship of the Center. We provide many opportunities throughout the year for parents/guardians to participate.

Our Open-Door Policy
We welcome your presence at the center! Any custodial parent/guardian of a child enrolled at Play & Learn receives unlimited access to the center during the hours of operation for the purpose of contacting their children, evaluating the care provided by the center, or evaluating the facility.
Any parents/guardians interested in enrolling their child at the center will meet with the director or the assistant director for an orientation session to discuss the philosophy, policies, and procedures of the center. Time will be given for a tour and answering any questions and concerns the parents/guardians may have.
Involvement Opportunities
At Play & Learn, parents/guardians are always welcome to come and spend time with their children. We encourage you to become involved in the various classroom activities and family functions offered at the Center. Be sure to check your child’s class monthly calendar and our calendar for upcoming special events. You may also complete a Parent Questionnaire indicating how you would like to be involved at Play & Learn.
Some of these opportunities include:
Open House: Prior to the beginning of each school year, the Center will host an open house. This is designed to provide parents/guardians and children with the opportunity to meet classroom teachers, administrative staff, and other child care staff. At this time teachers can share information on classroom activities, policies, educational goals and objectives with the parents/guardians.
Special events: At various times throughout the year, Play & Learn will sponsor special events and activities for staff, parents/guardians, and children. These may include parties, Week of the Young Child Celebration, Christmas and spring programs, carnivals, and special programs for entertainment and educational purposes.
Classroom activities: The individual classrooms will also have special activities, such as birthday parties, holiday parties, and field trips at which we encourage parents/guardians to volunteer and participate. Parents/Guardians should be sure to look for the posted sign-up sheets for these activities.
Individual visits: Any parents/guardian who has a special interest or skill that they would like to share with the children may schedule a time to visit the classrooms. Special arrangements can also be made for you to join your child at a meal for a nominal fee.